[GAP Forum] GAP use in teaching

Alexander Konovalov alexander.konovalov at st-andrews.ac.uk
Wed Feb 5 13:56:22 GMT 2020

Dear GAP Forum,

We are collecting information about the use of GAP in
teaching mathematics or computer science. If GAP is
used in any way in teaching in your institution, we 
would be very grateful if you could briefly answer 
the following questions:

1) In which institution and where are you working?

2) For what courses or types of teaching is GAP used?

3) At what mathematical level are these courses?

4) How many students are taught in these courses?

5) For how long (approximately) has GAP been used in this way?

6) Is there any teaching material publicly available?

7) For publicly available material, which links we may add 
to https://www.gap-system.org/Doc/Teaching/teaching.html ?

A few brief statements are sufficient for our purposes. 

You can reply to the Forum or personally to me, or post
your answer in a comment under this issue on GitHub:


Thank you in advance!

Best wishes

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