[GAP Forum] Update for ReleaseTools (required for use beyond July 2020)

Horn, Max, Prof. Dr. Max.Horn at uni-siegen.de
Thu Feb 13 00:27:58 GMT 2020

Dear GAP package authors,

many of you are already using my ReleaseTools, specifically the "release"
script, to make releases of your GAP packages hosted on GitHub with great ease.

Unfortunately, in July 2020, GitHub will disable a feature that this script
has been using for quite some time. In order to be able to use it past that
date, you should update to the latest version, available as usual from here:


For installation, I recommend that you simply "git clone" this repository somewhere
on your computer and then access the script from there. This way, updating to
a newer version simply amounts to doing a "git pull" in that clone.

Note that I have renamed the script from "release" to "release-gap-package",
in order to make it more convenient for power users to install it into their PATH.
Further changes are discussed in CHANGES.md. Also, the documentation in form
of the file README.md has been improved in the past couple months. As always,
feedback and questions are welcome, ideally via the issue tracker.

Best wishes
Prof. Dr. Max Horn
University of Siegen
Department of Mathematics
Emmy Noether Campus
Walter-Flex-Straße 3
57072 Siegen
Tel. (+49) 271 740-2868
E-Mail: max.horn at uni-siegen.de

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