[GAP Forum] GAP 4.10.2 release announcement

Alexander Konovalov alexander.konovalov at st-andrews.ac.uk
Mon Jun 24 18:15:18 BST 2019

Dear GAP Forum,

The next minor release of GAP, version 4.10.2, is now available at


An overview of changes introduced in GAP 4.10.2 is given below, 
with numbers of issues and pull requests in the GAP repository 
at https://github.com/gap-system/gap.

1. Changes in the core GAP system introduced in GAP 4.10.2

Improvements in the experimental way to allow 3rd party code to
link GAP as a library:

  - Add GAP_AssignGlobalVariable and GAP_IsNameOfWritableGlobalVariable
    to the libGAP API (#3438).

Fixes in the experimental support for using the Julia garbage collector:

  - Fix of a problem where the Julia GC during a partial sweep frees 
    some, but not all objects of an unreachable data structure, and
    also may erroneously try to mark the deallocated objects (#3412).

  - Fix stack scanning for the Julia GC when GAP is used as a library

Fixed bugs that could lead to crashes:

  - Fix a bug in TransformationListList which could cause a crash 

Fixed bugs that could lead to incorrect results:

  - Fix a bug in ClassPositionsOfLowerCentralSeries.
    [Reported by Frieder Ladisch] (#3321).

  - Fix a *dangerous* bug in the comparison of large negative
    integers, introduced in GAP 4.10.1: if x and y were equal,
    but not identical, large negative numbers then x < y returned
    true instead of false (#3478).

Fixed bugs that could lead to break loops:

  - If the group has been obtained as subgroup from a 
    Fitting free/solvable radical computation, the data is inherited
    and might not guarantee that the factor group really is Fitting
    free. Added a check and an assertion to catch this situation

  - Fix declaration of sparse action homomorphisms (#3281).

  - LatticeViaRadical called ClosureSubgroupNC assuming that the 
    parent contained all generators. It now calls ClosureSubgroup
    instead, since this can not be always guaranteed (this could 
    happen, for example, in perfect subgroup computation). Also
    added an assertion to ClosureSubgroupNC to catch this situation
    in other cases. [Reported by Serge Bouc] (#3397).

  - Fix a "method not found" error in SubdirectProduct (#3485).

Other fixed bugs:

  - Fix corner case in modified Todd-Coxeter algorithm when relator
    is trivial (#3311).

2. New and updated packages since GAP 4.10.1

GAP 4.10.1 distribution contains 145 packages, including updated
versions of 55 packages from GAP 4.10.1 distribution.

A new package MonoidalCategories by Mohamed Barakat, Sebastian 
Gutsche and Sebastian Posur have been added to the distribution.
It is based on the CAP package and implements monoidal structures
for CAP.

Unfortunately we had to withdraw the QaoS package from distribution
of GAP, as the servers it crucially relies on for its functionality
have been permanently retired some time ago and are not coming back
(see https://github.com/gap-packages/qaos/issues/13 for details).

The full list of new and updated packages in GAP 4.10.2 distribution
is given below.

Package name               | Version    | Date 
Alnuth                     | 3.1.1      | 04/06/2019  
ANUPQ                      | 3.2.1      | 18/04/2019  
AtlasRep                   | 2.1.0      | 10/05/2019  
AutoDoc                    | 2019.05.20 | 20/05/2019  
CAP                        | 2019.06.07 | 07/06/2019  
Congruence                 | 1.2.3      | 19/05/2019  
Convex                     | 2019.05.01 | 01/05/2019  
Cryst                      | 4.1.19     | 28/05/2019  
CrystCat                   | 1.1.9      | 28/05/2019  
cvec                       | 2.7.2      | 20/03/2019  
DESIGN                     | 1.7        | 18/03/2019  
Digraphs                   | 0.15.2     | 17/04/2019  
ExamplesForHomalg          | 2019.01.07 | 07/01/2019  
FORMAT                     | 1.4.1      | 15/03/2019  
FPLSA                      | 1.2.3      | 31/05/2019  
Francy                     | 1.2.4      | 17/05/2019  
GaussForHomalg             | 2019.02.01 | 01/02/2019  
GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP | 2019.01.16 | 16/01/2019  
GradedModules              | 2019.01.05 | 05/01/2019  
GradedRingForHomalg        | 2019.04.02 | 02/04/2019  
GRAPE                      | 4.8.2      | 20/03/2019  
groupoids                  | 1.66       | 29/05/2019  
HomalgToCAS                | 2019.02.01 | 01/02/2019  
idrel                      | 2.43       | 29/05/2019  
IO                         | 4.6.0      | 18/03/2019  
IO_ForHomalg               | 2019.01.01 | 01/01/2019  
JupyterViz                 | 1.5.1      | 28/03/2019  
kan                        | 1.29       | 29/05/2019  
LAGUNA                     | 3.9.3      | 19/05/2019  
LieRing                    | 2.4.1      | 23/02/2019  
LinearAlgebraForCAP        | 2019.01.16 | 16/01/2019  
matgrp                     | 0.62       | 18/04/2019  
MatricesForHomalg          | 2019.03.08 | 08/03/2019  
ModulePresentationsForCAP  | 2019.01.16 | 16/01/2019  
Modules                    | 2019.02.01 | 01/02/2019  
MonoidalCategories         | 2019.06.07 | 07/06/2019  
NumericalSgps              | 1.2.0      | 25/04/2019  
PackageManager             | 0.4        | 10/05/2019  
PolymakeInterface          | 2019.03.26 | 26/03/2019  
profiling                  | 2.2.1      | 15/03/2019  
QuaGroup                   | 1.8.1      | 21/02/2019  
RCWA                       | 4.6.4      | 24/03/2019  
recog                      | 1.3.2      | 15/04/2018  
ResClasses                 | 4.7.2      | 24/03/2019  
RingsForHomalg             | 2019.02.01 | 01/02/2019  
SCSCP                      | 2.3.0      | 19/05/2019  
Semigroups                 | 3.1.3      | 07/06/2019  
simpcomp                   | 2.1.10     | 03/06/2019  
SLA                        | 1.5.2      | 29/03/2019  
SpinSym                    | 1.5.1      | 02/03/2019  
TomLib                     | 1.2.8      | 01/05/2019  
ToolsForHomalg             | 2019.02.17 | 17/02/2019  
utils                      | 0.63       | 29/05/2019  
XGAP                       | 4.30       | 16/04/2019  
XMod                       | 2.73       | 04/03/2019  

We encourage all users to upgrade to GAP 4.10.2. You can download 
source archives for Linux and macOS, as well as the GAP installer
for Windows from http://www.gap-system.org/Releases/. Alternative
distributions such as the Homebrew tap and the Docker container
(see https://www.gap-system.org/Download/alternatives.html) also
now provide GAP 4.10.2.

If you need any help or would like to report any problems, please
do not hesitate to contact us at support at gap-system.org, or 
submit new issues on GitHub: 


There is also a 'gap' tag for questions about GAP at the 
Mathematics Q&A site:


In addition, you may find some GAP related news on Twitter:


Wishing you fun and success using GAP,

Alexander Konovalov
on behalf of the GAP Group

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