[GAP Forum] How to define in GAP another binary operation on a multiplication table

muhammad shah shahmaths_problem at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 21 10:22:38 GMT 2019

Dear all,

 Suppose I have a multiplication table of a group or a quasigroup say of C_5. I want to define a new binary operation on it say x O y= (x*c)*y where c is a fixed element. I would be thankful if someone writes a function for doing it. I have written the following one but it does not give me the desired result.

h:= CyclicGroup(IsPermGroup,5);
c:= slist[2];
l:=List(slist,a -> List(slist, b -> ((a * c) * b)));
q:=List(l,t -> List(t,p -> Position(slist,p)));
return QuasigroupByCayleyTable(TransposedMat(AsSortedList(q)));

Muhammad Shah

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