[GAP Forum] G2(3) from OctaveAlgebra(GF(3))

Marek Mitros marek at mitros.org
Fri Aug 3 10:14:47 BST 2018

Hello Wiliam and forum,

There are 702 imaginary unitary elements in octave algebra over GF(3). By
imaginary unitary element I mean such x that conjugated(x) = -x and norm
(x) = 1. For each u imaginary unitary there are 252 perpendicular imaginary
unitary. By "perpendicular" I mean such element v that u*v is also
imaginary. For such pair u,v matrix (L(u)R(v))^2 is automorphism of

If you take 8 such random matrices then they will generate G2(3) of
size 4245696.


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