[GAP Forum] GAP compiled to Javascript

Christopher Jefferson caj21 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Thu Jul 26 21:13:52 BST 2018

WARNING: The following website link will download about 60MB, requires a fairly modern browser, and also take lots of CPU power. I wouldn't load it on a phone:


This page shows an example version of GAP compiled to Javascript actually web assembly). Unlike some other "GAP in the webs" you may have seen, there is no server required here (except a server to send static files), GAP is running entirely inside the local web browser. It only has the built-in packages, but that is just to save downloading even more files.

The current version is quite slow and the interface is really horrible (you type into the box that appears, and the output appears in the back).

I am mainly posting this in case anyone who is a javascript-wiz is interested in helping make a nicer interface, before I put more work into improving the backend. If anyone was interested in helping, please let me know.


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