[GAP Forum] Question

Stefan Kohl sk239 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sat Mar 10 13:03:06 GMT 2018

Somaye Madani asked:

> I want to research about lamplighter group but I don't know how can I define this group in gap. Please help me. If I need to load any special package would you please send for me?

There are in fact various ways in which you can define the lamplighter 
group in GAP.
Some of them show up when you enter ?LamplighterGroup at the GAP prompt --
one provided by the package FR, and others provided by the package lpres.

Yet another one is provided by the RCWA package:

gap> LoadPackage("rcwa");
gap> G := 
# lamplighter group
<wild rcwa group over Z with 2 generators>

Hope this helps,



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