[GAP Forum] Group[HomomorphismByImages

dmitrii.pasechnik at cs.ox.ac.uk dmitrii.pasechnik at cs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jul 6 09:54:25 BST 2017

Dear Abdulhakeem,
> Please can someone explain the reason why i am having this error; and a
> possible solution.

> gap> f:=FreeGroup("a","b");
> gap> a:=f.1; b:=f.2;
> gap>  rel:=[a^4,b^2,b^-1*a*b*a];
> gap> D8:=f/rel;
> gap> SetReducedMultiplication(D8);
> gap> A:=AutomorphismGroup(D8);
> gap> List(A);
> gap> f1:=GroupHomomorphismByImages(D8,D8, [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b, b*a^2,
> a*b ]);

First of all, a and b are not elements of D8, they are elements of f,
the free group.  So you'd first need to do, after defining D8,


(or, perhaps, other variable names, for clarity, etc)

Then,  [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b, b*a^2, > a*b ] is not valid GAP syntax,
and anyway this is not what GroupHomomorphismByImages expects as input;

f1:=GroupHomomorphismByImages(D8,D8, [ b, b*a^2, a*b ],[ b, b*a^2, a*b ]);

will to the job.

Hope this helps,

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