[GAP Forum] Fusion of Conjugacy Classes

Marek Mitros marek at mitros.org
Thu Jun 12 11:58:47 BST 2014

Dear Forum,

Can anyone comment on following problem with fusion of 6th maximal subgroup
of Baby Monster group ?

gap> bt:=CharacterTable("B");
CharacterTable( "B" )
gap> b6t:=CharacterTable("BM6");
CharacterTable( "(2^2xF4(2)):2" )
gap> fu:=FusionConjugacyClasses(b6t,bt);

Fusion for remaining 29 maximal subgroups of B can be obtained. E.g.
b7t:=CharacterTable("BM6"); FusionConjugacyClasses(b7t,bt);

works fine. I am using GAP 4.7.4 on Windows 7.

Marek Mitros

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