[GAP Forum] Simple read won't work in Microsoft Windows

GARY LOMP glomp at optonline.net
Wed Dec 26 17:37:32 GMT 2012

OS: windows 7

file is C:/gap4r5/test_gap.g

command that refuses to execute is

Read( "C:/gap4r5/test_gap.g" );

The file was created in notepad and is a text file.

The file contains two lines:

A:=Factorial( 10 );
B:=Factorial( 20 );

The response is

gap> Read( "C:/gap4r5/test_gap.g" );
Error, file "C:/gap4r5/test_gap.g" must exist and be readable called 
<function "unknown">( <arguments> )
  called from read-eval loop at line 6 of *stdin*
you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
you can 'return;' to continue

The file exists and is a text file. Changing the drive letter to lower 
case changes nothing.


G Lomp

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