[GAP Forum] a question to the forum

Stefan Kohl stefan at mcs.st-and.ac.uk
Mon Jul 2 09:42:55 BST 2012

Dear Forum,

Daria Lytkina asked:

> How one can create SL(2,Z/mZ) in GAP as a permutation group? Here
> Z=Integers and m in Z. For example, m=48.

You can obtain a permutation representation of SL(2,Z/mZ) as follows:

gap> G := SL(2,Integers mod 48);
gap> phi := IsomorphismPermGroup(G);
gap> H := Image(phi); # permutation group isomorphic to G = SL(2,Z/48Z)
<permutation group of size 73728 with 2 generators>

Hope this helps,

    Stefan Kohl

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