[GAP Forum] Group representations over finite fields

Francois Le Gall legall at is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Thu Aug 4 06:32:07 BST 2011

Dear Forum,

I am currently investigating the dimensions of the irreducible representations of a (small) finite group G over the finite field GF(p) when p does not divide the order of G, along with their multiplicities in the regular representation of G. This is the first time I use GAP for representation theory over finite fields, and I would be very happy to know if there is a simple way to obtain this information.

I read the MeatAxe documentation and tried the following commands


but I suspect that this is different from what I am looking for (specifically, for G:=AbelianGroup([8,4]) and p:=3, each call to MTX.CollectedFactors(R[2]) seems to give a different answer).

Thank you in advance.


Francois Le Gall

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