[GAP Forum] Basic question, order of fpgroup

KCHM k.mackenzie at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Jul 27 16:27:39 BST 2011

I have used GAP in a small way off and on for several years but still regard 
myself as a novice. I am having trouble with the code below and wonder if I 
am just making some elementary mistake. If some experienced person could 
glance at it for me, I'll be very grateful. 




(If the fourth powers were squares, this would be the symmetric group S_5.
I have tried with just a minimal set of relations.)

To start I want the order of G. With `Size(G);' `Order(G);' `IsFinite(G);'
I just get several (8 or 9) iterations of

#I  Coset table calculation failed -- trying with bigger table limit

and then 

exceeded the permitted memory (`-o' command line option) at
prev[2 * limit] := 2 * limit - 1;
 called from
TCENUM.CosetTableFromGensAndRels( fgens, grels, fsgens ) called from
CosetTableFromGensAndRels( fgens, grels, List( trial, UnderlyingElement ) ) called from
Attempt( gens ) called from
FinIndexCyclicSubgroupGenerator( G, infinity ) called from
Size( C ) called from
Entering break read-eval-print loop ...
you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
you can 'return;' to continue

I've run this on two machines, with gap -0 2G, and get similar nonresults. 
The machines are 3.2GHz with 4GB memory running Ubuntu 10.04. and 
Gap 4.4.12 of 17-Dec-2008. 

Am I just making some silly error? Or should I run this on a much more 
powerful machine?

Thanks, Kirill M

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