[GAP Forum] Alnuth: FactorsPolynomialKant

Anja Heinisch anja.heinisch at gmx.de
Wed Mar 30 19:12:24 BST 2011

Dear GAP Forum,

I want to factor polynomials over an algebraic field extension created 
by FieldByMatrices or FieldByPolynomial. There is a method 
FactorsPolynomialKant(L, poly) listed in the Alnuth package 
documentation, see 
As far as I can see this doesn't seem to work properly, the example 
given there results in the following:

gap> x := Indeterminate( Rationals, "x" );;
gap> pol := 2*x^7+2*x^5+8*x^4+8*x^2;
gap> L := FieldByPolynomial( x^3-4 );
<algebraic extension over the Rationals of degree 3>
gap> y := Indeterminate( L, "y" );;
gap> FactorsPolynomialKant( L, pol );
Function: number of arguments must be 1 (not 2)
not in any function
Entering break read-eval-print loop ...

Looking in pkg/alnuth/gap/factors.gi, I found that there seems to be no 
function matching the suggested signature in the example (especially   
FactorsPolynomialKant only takes one argument <pol>).

If anyone had any ideas at all on how to solve this issue I'd be happy 
if you'd let me know.

Thanks a lot,

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