[GAP Forum] Mystry call to Order

Arnaldo Mandel am at ime.usp.br
Wed Jul 16 19:04:46 BST 2008

Dima Pasechnik wrote (on Jul 16, 2008):
 > Dear Arnaldo,
 > IMHO you should post the code (or a link where one can get your code)
 > that demonstrates this problem.
 > Otherwise it's very hard to tell.

Thanks Dima.  As I wrote in another post, the problem was solved as
soon as I understood the profiling information.  However, if you or
anybody else is curious about the code, I will wake it available.


Arnaldo Mandel                        
Departamento de Ciência da Computação - Computer Science Department
Universidade de São Paulo, Bra[sz]il	  
am at ime.usp.br
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