[GAP Forum] question

Joachim Neubueser joachim.neubueser at math.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Feb 6 10:58:11 GMT 2007

Dear Dr. Rezaei

On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 09:29:50PM +0000, you  wrote :

> Dear gap forum,
>   I have two questions as following:
>   Let G be a compact group 
>   (i) Let f(x)= \mu(C_G(x)) where \mu is Haar measure. Is f a 
>   continuous function?
>   (ii) Let f(x)= \chi_a(x,y) where y \in G and a={(x,y) \in G^2 | xy=yx }.
>   Is f a continuous function?
>   I will be more grateful for any known results or references.
>    Best regards,
>   R. Rezaei

Please note that  the GAP Forum is meant  for questions related to GAP,
or at least problems that  could be tackled with GAP. Yours however is
a  purely theoretical  question about  topological groups,  so  the GAP
Forum is definitely not the right place for it.

Please read the page 


of  the  GAP  website where  this  is  clearly  stated and  where  the
following  text gives  suggestions for  better places  (with  links to
these) for your question:

Other Fora

For theoretical questions on groups  and related structures we like to
point to the Group-Pub-forum in  which such questions are answered and
discussed  by a  large  community  of experts.   We  provide links  to
further mathematical  fora and to other  addresses that we  hope to be
useful for mathematicians on the page 'To Outside World'.

Kind regards     Joachim Neubueser

Prof. J.Neubueser
LDfM, RWTH Aachen

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