[GAP Forum] A question on fields:

Miguel Angel Borges-Trenard mborges at mabt.uo.edu.cu
Thu Nov 9 17:54:24 GMT 2006

Dear GAP Forum,

I wrote the letter below to Prof. Joyner and he suggested me to send it to the forum.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Miguel Angel Borges-Trenard 
To: David Joyner 
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: On "Re: [GAP Forum] A question on fields": A personal communication. 

Dear Professor Joyner,

I believe the key point is that there are two problems around:

Given a field k, indeterminates x1,...,xn, and polynomials g1,..., gm, p in k[x1,...,xn], decide whether:
(1) p in Ideal(g1,...,gm) (membership ideal problem). 
(2) p in k(g1,...,gm) (i.e. p is in the field of rational functions generated by g1,..., gm over k. This is  
      the field membership problem).

Problem 2 could also be formulated and solved when g1,..., gm, p are rational functions.

I believe your proposal (see below) solves Problem 1. (I think it is not necessary to compute the ideal J generated by x-y,x+y,p; even in GAP could there be alternatives of computing reduced forms, applied to p.)

But Problem 2 is more involved, I have seen a solution in the reference below (algorithms 1.8 and 1.10 there). I don't know whether there are some new and more efficient methods and I have not had time to see whether those algorithms can be implemented in GAP, but I believe it can be possible. (At first glance, it seems to be that it is necessary to compute Groebner bases over the field

With best regards,   Borges.

Miguel Angel Borges-Trenard
Departamento de Matemática
Facultad de Matemática Computación
Universidad de Oriente

Basic Algorithms for Rational Function Fields. J. Muller-Quade and R. Steinwandt.
J. Symbolic Computation, 1999, V. 27, p. 143-170.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Nicola Sottocornola <Nicola.Sottocornola at fastwebnet.it>
To: David Joyner <wdjoyner at gmail.com>
Cc: GAP Forum <forum at gap-system.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: [GAP Forum] A question on fields

> Hi,
> thank you for your answer. I don't know what a Groebner basis is so I  
> can't understand your idea. I just tested it with an example:
> let F = Ideal(xyz, yz) and G = Ideal(xyz, yz, x).
> I have found that the GB of F is {zy} and the GB of G is {zy,x}. The  
> basis are different but x is in the field generated by xyz and yz (?)
> Maybe I made a misteke in computing the basis...
> Nicola
> On 07/nov/06, at 04:37, David Joyner wrote:
> > I wonder if the following idea might work:
> > You could create the ideal I generated by x-y,x+y.
> > Now create the ideal J generated by x-y,x+y,p
> > Compute the Grobner bases of I,J and compare them.
> > If the GB of I equals the GB of J then p is in F.

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