[GAP Forum] orbits of a set under induced group action

Abhishek akshriv at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 12:27:03 BST 2006

Dear GAP forum,

I need to solve the following problem.

Let X be a set and G a group action on X. Let Y={0,1}.
Consider the collection Y^X of all functions f:X --> Y.
I need to find the orbits of Y^X induced by G. (The image of any function f
in Y^X under a \in G is given by (a*f)(x)=f(a*x), for each x in X)

I don't know if this can be solved using GAP since I have little background
in Group Theory. I'll be glad if someone could point to some specific
topic(s) in the GAP Manuals or beyond.

Thank you,

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