[GAP Forum] question about subgroups

Robert Heffernan bob.heffernan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 22:50:16 BST 2005

Hi.  I am using the SmallGroups package and I would like to determinewhether one smallgroup is a subgroup of another smallgroup.  Forexample:
gap> G:=SmallGroup(12,3);;gap> H:=SmallGroup(4,2);;gap> IsSubgroup(G,H);false
SmallGroup(12,3) is A4 and SmallGroup(4,2) is C2xC2 so I would expect"true" as the outcome of the last statement above.
Is there a way to check if a given group is a subgroup of another, ie.to check if a group H is isomorphic to a subgroup of group G?
For reference, my version of GAP is:GAP4, Version: 4.4.6 of 02-Sep-2005, i686-pc-cygwin-gcc
thank you for your time,Robert Heffernan

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