[GAP Forum] Degree and Generators

marcus at math.uic.edu marcus at math.uic.edu
Sat Jul 16 14:36:10 BST 2005

Hello everyone. I have two questions.

First, how do I find out what algebra
a given element is an element of?

For example, if I do
gap> A:=AlgebraByStructureConstants(...
gap> a:=GeneratorsOfAlgebra(A)[1]
then what can I call, knowing 'a', that
will return 'A'? Perhaps something along
the lines of IAmAnElementOf(a)?

What I really want is to call Grading(A)
so I can find out what degree 'a' is
(after having set up Grading(A).hom_components).
Is this information available 
via some other method, given only 'a'?

Second, how do I cause the generators of 'A'
above to be available via the names A.1, A.2, etc?
This isn't essential, but is certainly makes
algebra more pleasant :)

Thank you for your help.

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