[GAP Forum] Cyclic permutation of five elements

Stephen C. Lipp scl at edi-nola.com
Wed Apr 7 22:07:58 BST 2004

So I am looking for a cyclic walk through the Cayley table of 120
where the equivalence classes are with respect to rotation on the last
4 elements of the set.  Hence there are 30 steps taken to cover all the
classes.  The obvious question that arises is,

How does one find a "walk" through this set?

As pointed out in the initial E-mail, the walk was found using an
(basically a depth-first search) on a spreadsheet with a random number
generator.  Now suppose the set is larger (the Cayley table is 5040
where the equivalence classes are with respect to a rotation of order
Hence there are 1680 steps taken to cover all the partitions of the set.
there a more efficient algorithm than a depth-first search?

The other question that has not been addressed is existence.  Does such
a walk
exist?  If, for example, I try to walk through S_3 where the equivalence
is transposition of the first two elements of the set, such a
walk does not exist.  There is no way to walk from [1, 2, 3] through the
two equivalence classes and arrive back at [1, 2, 3] in three steps.

Stephen C. Lipp

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