[GAP Forum] Group[HomomorphismByImages

Abdulhakeem Olayiwola lovepgroups at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 15:58:52 BST 2017

Dear forum,
Please can someone explain the reason why i am having this error; and a
possible solution.
Kind Regards

gap> f:=FreeGroup("a","b");
<free group on the generators [ a, b ]>
gap> a:=f.1; b:=f.2;
gap>  rel:=[a^4,b^2,b^-1*a*b*a];
[ a^4, b^2, b^-1*a*b*a ]
gap> D8:=f/rel;
<fp group on the generators [ a, b ]>
gap> SetReducedMultiplication(D8);
gap> A:=AutomorphismGroup(D8);
<group of size 8 with 3 generators>
gap> List(A);
[ [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b, b*a^2, a*b ], [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ a*b, b*a,
b*a^2 ],
  [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b*a^2, b, b*a ], [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b*a, a*b,
b*a^2 ],
  [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b, b*a^2, b*a ], [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ a*b, b*a,
b ], [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b*a^2, b, a*b ]
    , [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b*a, a*b, b ] ]
gap> f1:=GroupHomomorphismByImages(D8,D8, [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b, b*a^2,
a*b ]);
Syntax error: ) expected
f1:=GroupHomomorphismByImages(D8,D8, [ b, b*a^2, a*b ] -> [ b, b*a^2, a*b

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