[GAP Forum] gapdoc: BibTeX: url

z060822400814a at rezozer.net z060822400814a at rezozer.net
Tue Apr 19 12:53:43 BST 2016

Hello Forum:

in a bib data file with which I am dealing, there is the entry

	author = {A.~E. Brouwer},
	title  = {Bounds on the minimum distance of linear codes},
	howpublished = {\url{http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/voorlincod.html}},
	year   = {1997–2006},

When this bib data file is transformed to an XML file through the following commands

bibdata := ParseBibFiles("doc/dum.bib");;
WriteBibXMLextFile("doc/dum_bib.xml",bibdata), I get:

<entry id="Br"><misc>
    <name><first>A. E.</first><last>Brouwer</last></name>
  <title>Bounds on the minimum distance of linear codes</title>

Is it possible to get a more appropriate URL output in the XML output ?

Thanks in advance,

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