[GAP Forum] Getting problem in code

Stephen Linton steve.linton at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sun May 10 09:29:24 BST 2015

Dear Harsha,

The error message means what it says. GAP was not able to store all the information needed to complete your calculation in the memory allowed. There are ways to allow it more memory, if your computer has more memory — on UNIX or OS X this is done via the command line option, so instead of typing “gap” you type something like “gap -o 2g” (which allocates 2 Gigabytes to GAP). On Windows it’s a little more involved because Windows doesn’t have a proper command line, and I’ll leave it to someone who uses GAP on Windows to explain the details.

HOWEVER, experience tells us that, rather than allocating more memory it is probably better to think whether your calculation can be done in a cleverer way. Without knowing what you are doing, it’s hard to be specific, but common errors include listing all the elements of a group when all you really need is conjugacy class representatives or  to search for the first element with some property. 

If you’d like further help you could send more details of your problem to the support at gap-system.org or gap at gap-system.org mailing lists (the difference is that gap@… is public, so more people are available to help with your problem, but anyone can see what you asked).


> On 10 May 2015, at 07:26, Harsha Arora <harshaarora.2008 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear forum
> I have written a code it works for small groups. I got problem in larger
> groups. The problem is memory exceed o command option. What does it mean.
> Please help me out.
> Harsha Arora
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