[GAP Forum] Simple client test for GAP as SCSCP Server

Jerry Swan dr.jerry.swan at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 09:13:41 BST 2015

Dear forum members,

I'm attempting to invoke GAP via the Java library from java.symcomp.org
using the examples given in org.symcomp.frameworkDemo.

The supplied "Addition" client invokes with:
<OMA><OMS cd="scscp_transient_1" name="addition"/><OMA><OMS cd="list1"

which returns:

ComputationState: ERRONEOUS
<OME><OMS cd="error" name="unexpected_symbol"/><OMS cd="scscp_transient_1"

Is this the expected behavior? If so, could someone kindly suggest a simple
alternative example on which GAP can be expected to succeed?

Best wishes,


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