[GAP Forum] can gap system use in aws.amazon free trial account

Lee Martin CCNP tesleft at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 26 11:44:29 BST 2014

Hi Dima,
after sign up accounthttps://cloud.sagemath.com
after choose sage worksheet, it can be clicked run got error when run the gap code, how to use gap in sage
︠4806265d-576d-40a7-b051-a7ec5bee7e34s︠onelist := Tuples([0,1,0,1,0,1],3);onelist2 := [];Append( onelist2, onelist );Append( onelist2, onelist );Append( onelist2, onelist );matrixlist := Tuples(onelist2,3);matrixlist2 := [];Append( matrixlist2, matrixlist );Append( matrixlist2, matrixlist );Append( matrixlist2, matrixlist );indexlist := [1..Length(matrixlist2)];Append( idealindexlist2, indexlist );Append( idealindexlist2, indexlist );Append( idealindexlist2, indexlist );idealindexlist := Tuples(idealindexlist2,3);︡522470bb-571a-42a2-8dc1-30fd9cbc8bab︡{"stderr":"Error in lines 1-1\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/projects/a9ac2134-d2dd-4f96-82d2-ac3dec2e6811/.sagemathcloud/sage_server.py\", line 828, in execute\n    exec compile(block+'\\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals\n  File \"<string>\", line 1\n    onelist := Tuples([Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1)],Integer(3));\n            ^\nSyntaxError: invalid syntax\n"}︡︠a5363944-97cc-450c-83c9-190a122f8943︠

> Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 11:39:46 +0100
> From: dmitrii.pasechnik at cs.ox.ac.uk
> To: tesleft at hotmail.com
> CC: hulpke at math.colostate.edu; forum at gap-system.org
> Subject: Re: [GAP Forum]  can gap system use in aws.amazon free trial account
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 05:56:11PM +0800, Lee Martin CCNP wrote:
> > i only have one 8GB computer which is a notebook, but it can not install ubuntu (dual boot with window)after download 64 bit ubuntu in virtual box and assign 5018GB ram and then compile gap 64 bit 
> > got error after only tuples number instead of tuples a list of matrix,
> > then i type return; and wait for a long time, still not have response.
> > i guess that i either buy a new computer or use aws.amazon
> > can gap system install in aws.amazon after sign up free trial
> > i haven't signed up yet since i do not know whether it auto deduct my money after free trial period
> > is the linux in amazon that can be used to install gap system?
> it should be possible (you'd get a rather slow VM with low RAM), 
> but a much better option would be using
> https://cloud.sagemath.com/
> (despite the name, it has basically a full terminal emulator under Linux, where
> you can compile and run things, just as you'd do on AWS) 
> HTH,
> Dmitrii

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