[GAP Forum] GAPDoc, BibTeX's names: quid Jr part ?

Jerome BENOIT g6299304p at rezozer.net
Tue Sep 9 22:41:06 BST 2014

Hello Forum,

I am encountering issue with documentation generation for the GUAVA GAP package
(with the lasted GAP Debian package with its gap-gapdoc companion on a Wheezy box
and a Sid virtaul box (pbuilder)):
it appears that the issue is caused by the Jr of the fifth name in the author entry
of the last reference, aka TSSFC04: a closer look (Print within the gapdoc code itself)
shows that the non ASCII char is introduced and ultimately introduces a `fail' that break
the documentation composition.

Is it a know issue ? Is there any workaround ?

Any hint is welcome,

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