[GAP Forum] Question concerning the GAP package qpa and injective modules of quotients of path algebras

Bernhard Boehmler bernhard.boehmler at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 27 17:56:18 GMT 2013

Dear GAP forum,

 I would like to test with the qpa package (qpa=quivers and path algebras),
whether a projective A-module is isomorphic to the dual of another
projective module (as modules).

 Here, A=kQ/I is a quotient of a path algebra by an admissible ideal I.

 I have projective A-modules P_1 and P_2 and its dual
I_2:=DualOfModule(P_2), but

 when I use the command IsomorphicModules(P_1,I_2), I get an error massage,
because I_2 is not an A-module, but an A^op – module.

 Therefore, I would like to ask, if anybody knows, how to circumvent this

 Thank you very much.

 Kind regards,


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