[GAP Forum] Non-left n-Engel elements in a group

yassine Guerboussa yassine_guer at hotmail.fr
Thu Sep 19 20:05:27 BST 2013

Dear GAP Forum,
I will be pleased if one can help in writing a program such that,
For a group $G$ (usually, a small group in GAP library), it computes the subgroup generatedby the elements that are not left n-Engel, for some fixed n.
Recall that an element $a$ in $G$ is left n-Engel if it satisfies the identity$[x,a,...,a]=1$, where $a$ occurs $n$ times (the commutator is left normed).
Thanks in advance.Best,Yassine Guerboussa 		 	   		  

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