[GAP Forum] Different output from Action function in GAP 4.5.5

William DeMeo williamdemeo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 23:10:50 BST 2012

Dear Forum,

I recently tried to reproduce some GAP output for an example that
appears in a manuscript that was recently accepted in final form by
the publisher.  However, using GAP 4.5.5 I now get different output
than what appears in my paper.  (I wrote the paper while using GAP

Here's the relevant part of the example:

In GAP 4.4.12:

gap> g:=Group([(1,2),(1,2,3)]);;
gap> G:=Action(g,g,OnRight);
Group([ (1,5)(2,4)(3,6), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) ])
gap> for b in AllBlocks(G) do Print(Orbit(G,b,OnSets)-1,"\n"); od;
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, 3 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4, 5 ] ]
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ] ]
[ [ 0, 5 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 1, 3 ] ]

In GAP 4.5.5:

gap> g:=Group([(1,2),(1,3,2)]);;
gap> G:=Action(g,g,OnRight);
Group([ (1,3)(2,4)(5,6), (1,5,4)(2,6,3) ])
gap> for b in AllBlocks(G) do Print(Orbit(G,b,OnSets)-1,"\n"); od;
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 3, 5 ] ]
[ [ 0, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2, 5 ] ]
[ [ 0, 5 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 1, 3 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5 ] ]

In the paper, I refer to the labels appearing in these blocks, and I
really don't want to change all of these references and figures to
conform to the GAP 4.5.5 labelling scheme.  Is there any way I can get
the Action function to produce a group labelled as in the 4.4.12
version?  I tried Action(g,AsSortedList(g),OnRight); but that only
causes the 4.4.12 labelling to change to the 4.4.5 labelling.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I suppose I could add a
footnote in my paper that says these results can only be reproduced
using GAP 4.4.12, but obviously that is less than ideal.


William DeMeo
Department of Mathematics
University of South Carolina
mobile:808-298-4874 office:803-777-7510

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