[GAP Forum] braid group

Dan Lanke dan_lanke at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 5 14:56:57 GMT 2010

Dear Gap Forum,

I would like to add more relations to the braid group 
B_n = <b_1,...b_{n-1} | b_ib_j =b_jb_i if |i-j|>1, b_ib_{i+i}b_i=b_{i+1}b_ib_{i+1}>
and check whether the resulting group is finite.

The relations I want to add are: (b_i)^k=1, i=1,...(n-1) and (b_ib_{i+1})^l=1,
i=1,...,(n-2), where k and l are some fixed positive integers.

I have defined the new group using "FreeGroup" and tried checking if it is finite
using "IsFinite", but in most cases this fails to give me an answer.

Please let me know if there is a more efficient way to do this.



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