[GAP Forum] representation of Finite Field's element

xiaolei zhang zhaxiaolei at gmail.com
Tue May 26 15:50:58 BST 2009

Thanks, this is just what I want. But Elements(F) doesn't work for me.

gap> Elements(F);
Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from
Error, no 3rd choice method found for `PrimitiveRoot' on 1 arguments called
PrimitiveRoot( F ) called from
Basis( V ) called from
AsSSortedList( coll ) called from
<function>( <arguments> ) called from read-eval-loop
Entering break read-eval-print loop ...
you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
you can 'return;' to continue

PrimitiveRoot don't work for F. My GAP version is:

GAP4, Version: 4.4.10 of 02-Oct-2007,

2009/5/26 Burkhard Höfling <b.hoefling at tu-bs.de>

> I guess that 'AlgebraicExtension' might do what you want.
> gap> x := X(GF(2), "x");
> x
> gap> f := x^2 + x + 1;
> x^2+x+Z(2)^0
> gap> F := AlgebraicExtension (GF(2), f);
> <field of size 4>
> gap> Elements (F);
> [ !0*Z(2), a, !Z(2)^0, a+Z(2)^0 ]
> Note that !0*Z(2) is the zero element, and !Z(2)^0 is one.
> Cheers,
> Burkhard.

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