[GAP Forum] Simplified Fp Group

Josh Roberts jrobts at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 02:44:29 GMT 2008

Suppose I give a finitely presented group F/R, where
F:=FreeGroup("a","b",etc) and R is a list of words in "a", "b", etc.  I then
use TzGoGo to simplify the presentation. I can do G:=FpGroupPresentation to
get the new presentation. But how can I obtain the generators and relators
again? If I do f:=GeneratorsofGroup(G) for a list of the generators and
r:=RelatorsOfFpGroup(G) for a list of the relators f/r gives an error.

I understand that this is caused by f being a list and not actually a free
group. But is there a way to build the group using the new, simplifed
presentation? I want to be able to use f/r and get my group.

Josh Roberts, Graduate Student
University of Kentucky - Mathematics

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