[GAP Forum] The nilmat package

Derek Holt dfh at maths.warwick.ac.uk
Thu Aug 9 14:25:00 BST 2007

Dear GAP Forum

This is to announce that the Nilmat GAP package described below has been
refereed and accepted.

                             The Nilmat GAP package
 Alla Detinko (Galway), Bettina Eick (Braunschweig), Dane Flannery (Galway)

 Available at: http://larmor.nuigalway.ie/~dane/nilmat/

This package implements functions for computing with nilpotent matrix groups
defined over finite fields or over the rational field. These include a
function to test whether an arbitrary matrix group is nilpotent. If the
group is nilpotent, then the functions provided for computing the size of the
group, and various subgroups, such as its Sylow subgroups run significantly
faster than the default GAP functions for these purposes. The package also
contains facilities for constructing various examples of nilpotent matrix
groups, such as maximal absolutely irreducible nilpotent groups and
primitive nilpotent groups.

Derek Holt.

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