[GAP Forum] Primitive Linear Groups

Vdovin Evgenii vdovin at math.nsc.ru
Tue Mar 13 02:50:01 GMT 2007

> Dear GAP Forum,
> Is there a way to access primitive unimodular linear groups of low degree
> (say 7 or less) on GAP?  I am a new user, and I haven't found such a
> function yet.
> I need to generate a list of possible orders for these groups.  While
> these groups are mostly described in Feit's 1970 ICM paper, the degree 4
> groups are somewhat troublesome, particularly the extensions of the extra
> special groups of order 32 by their automorphism groups.
> Best,
> Eric Rowell
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Check irredsol package and its documentation. Since your group is solvable, it 
should help. In GAP type ?irreducible for more information.

Best Regards
Vdovin Evgenii
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