[GAP Forum] Running gap while offline on a Unix system?

Dmitrii Pasechnik dima at ntu.edu.sg
Tue Oct 31 03:34:39 GMT 2006

On 10/31/06 5:27 AM, "Scott Anderson" <scanders at oakland.edu> wrote:
> I am doing some computations that require the Unix
> server to work for a great many hours.  I dial in
> from home (well, I dial in to the Internet and then
> ssh onto the server, but you get the idea) and my
> ISP will disconnect me hours before the computations
> are finished.  
> I can easily put the entire computation script into
> a file, say "scott.g", and save the workspace at the
> end so I can come back later and load the workspace
> to get the results.  My question is, is it possible
> to tell Gap to run a particular script
> noninteractively?  Unix-wise, if I have a command
> that can run noninteractively I can "nohup
> <command-name> &", so can I use this with some
> option of Gap?  That is, can I say for instance
> "nohup gap < scott.g &" to get results?
you can even do "gap <scott.g >scott.out&" to keep the stdout output in
But I would like to vote for already mentioned "screen" command.
It provides a true imitation of an interactive session. E.g. if after 20
hours of computing gap says "Out of Baz. Would you like to continue with Foo
set to Baz*2 ?" then you can still continue interacting with gap (and save
20 hours, that would have been lost if you ran an non-interactive
computation instead).


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