[GAP Forum] Running gap while offline on a Unix system?

Scott Anderson scanders at oakland.edu
Mon Oct 30 21:27:20 GMT 2006

Hello all,


I am doing some computations that require the Unix
server to work for a great many hours.  I dial in
from home (well, I dial in to the Internet and then
ssh onto the server, but you get the idea) and my
ISP will disconnect me hours before the computations
are finished.  (I'm computing automorphism groups of
quantum codes, which I port from Magma into Gap, for
the record.)


I can easily put the entire computation script into
a file, say "scott.g", and save the workspace at the
end so I can come back later and load the workspace
to get the results.  My question is, is it possible
to tell Gap to run a particular script
noninteractively?  Unix-wise, if I have a command
that can run noninteractively I can "nohup
<command-name> &", so can I use this with some
option of Gap?  That is, can I say for instance
"nohup gap < scott.g &" to get results?


Scott Anderson

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