[GAP Forum] AppendTo problem with large strings

Helge Ruddat helge.ruddat at math.uni-freiburg.de
Fri Mar 24 16:23:10 GMT 2006

Dear GAP supporters!

I am trying to write a large matrix into a text file in such a way
that scilab is able to read it as input. For this I need to write
long strings (about 600 characters) into the file and I am doing this
via AppendTo( filename, string ).
I realized that this function inserts backslashes and newlines to cut my 
strings into smaller pieces, although I do not intend this. It also is not
documented in the "AppendTo - function - documentation".
Funny is, that the length of the dissected pieces correllates with
the width of my gap terminal window. When I tried to increase
the width of my gap window significantly, gap quit with a
memory access error.
Can someone help me?

I have version 4.4.6.

Thanks in advance,

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