[GAP Forum] New version of SmallGroups library

Mike Newman newman at maths.anu.edu.au
Mon Apr 25 22:06:57 BST 2005

     This is to announce a significant extension to the GAP package
                           SmallGroups Library
                      by Besche, Eick and O'Brien.

The word `Small' is used to mean orders less than a (changable) bound and
orders whose prime factorisation is small in some (again changable) sense.

What has been added are groups
* with cubefree orders up to 50000;
* with orders p^4, p^5 and p^6 for prime p;
* with square-free orders.

The library now contains a catalgoue number and a description, explicit or
implicit, either as a pc-presentation or as a permutation group,
for every group
  * with order less than 2016 except order 1024;
  * with cubefree order less than 50020;
* and functions for generating, at run time, the number and a description
  for each (within natural resource limitations) group not given above
  * whose order factorises into at most 3 primes;
  * with order q^n*p where
    q^n divides 2^8, 3^6, 5^5 or 7^4 and p is a prime different from q;
  * with squarefree order;
  * with order p^4, p^5 and p^6 for prime p.

The library also contains methods for identifying groups for many of these
orders; all except orders 512 and 1536 and p^5, p^6 above 2000.

The extension has been done without touching any of the existing group
descriptions or numbers. The only change to the existing part of the
library is to the information about groups with order 512 which previously
did not correctly describe the p-class of some of the groups. Specifically
the description given for a group has not changed and catalogue numbers
have not changed.

The new version of the SmallGroups package will be contained in GAP with
the next release. It is available now on the Webpage
which will soon be linked to the Gap Webpage

M.F. (Mike) Newman (as editor)
2005 April 26 (EAST)

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