[GAP Forum] Tuple attribute

Jose Joao Morais jjoao at netcabo.pt
Wed Dec 31 11:37:03 GMT 2003

Dear GAP Forum,

	About my last question:

	My question is: how can I define a Pair in such a way that it becomes
suitable for all the operations applicable to Tuples?

	I would like to tell you that I've solved the problem for the 'ONE'
operation by defining the following method:

InstallMethod( OneMutable,
        "for pairs",
        [ IsMultiplicativeElementWithOne and IsPair ], 0,
    function( el )
    local m1, m2;
    return(Pair(One(el!.first), One(el!.second)));
end );

	Thank you for your attention and patience,

	Happy New Year,

	Jose Morais

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